Adding queue scenery increases the amount people are willing to pay for a ride, so throwing in some cheap bushes will help get cash flow up a little faster. We'll need more bins around the park later, so it's still an investment.

I've also refrained from hiring a Janitor and I'm just adding new bins as they get full. It's not the rides, it's the drinks (probably just like real life). Wild Blue is also slightly more expensive and I already know the real trick to making money. Starting things off, we have a choice of two rides: the slow and generic Venetian Carousel, and the more exciting but lower capacity Wild Blue.

It also does make guests a little more whiny and your rides break down a little more, but again, super easy. I put it into 'hard' difficulty because honestly Planet Coaster is super easy, but all hard mode really does is make the early game very slow due to low starting money and no loans. This might turn out dry and boring, or maybe someone can learn something from this. So instead, I took a bunch of screenshots and intend to string them into some text. I kinda wanted to make more videos of playing challenge mode, but while we usually record videos on my friends PC, mine is now getting a bit old and probably incapable of recording Planet Coaster in any sane fashion. We made one for Planet Coaster around launch, then I played the game a bunch and beat all of career mode. I make videos with a friend more or less fortnightly and upload them to a Youtube channel no-one watches.