I always loved the way PHPStorm keeps up to date with language features. It's there and you can do basic stuff in a basic UI. Otherwise the UI is pretty nice to on the fly evaluating and watching expressions, breakpoint control, etc - stuff you normally want from such a tool. One thing I miss through was to easily control whether to automatically stop on exceptions. When you're done, everything gets staged so that you can get on with the commit/merge/rebase It's a clean 3-way merge + diff tool that makes it crystal clear where each change comes from and you can manually edit the outcome. That's the feature I appreciate most about it. Yes, it's a commercial product but if your outfit pays for it, it comes with great tooling. Give me 3 screens and a VIM configuration sprint and I'm there!

I'm old, I like stuff that just works (as much as possible) without getting sucked into customization and configuration. Collecting PHP dependencies, particularly for 7, working with newer language features, doing stuff like finding interface implementations and so on aren't quite on par with others.

I like SublimeText 3, but found it unreliable.

Also, most plugins I worked with were buggy in mind blowing ways. It's nice for JS for the most part, but throw anything heavy at it and it slows to a crawl. Containers, GIT vizualization, diffs, some UI help and reliably working with other languages are definite pluses. I'm a PHP dev but I appreciate and IDE that can help with other stuff reliably. Yes, I know how the title sounds and it's probably going to get some people riled up over other IDEs but there are some things worth mentioning: