
Red pill vs.blue pill
Red pill vs.blue pill

Teachers are gatekeepers of information, practices, and content. The educator who goes down this “rabbit hole” also sees him/herself as a gatekeeper. Someone who takes the red pill as it relates to teaching believes that educators can create classrooms where all students and especially students of color can thrive and surpass grade-level standards. Red pill consciousness can be seen in the creation of professional-development systems designed to surface bias, deepen standards knowledge and promote content expertise.

red pill vs.blue pill

Blue pill consciousness often manifests in a focus on growth instead of trajectory, certificated knowledge instead of content and curriculum-specific expertise, and professional-development systems that actually are implementation development systems (not catered to the needs of the teacher, but tailored to the needs of district and school-level directives).

red pill vs.blue pill

The first choice allows you the freedom to teach how you like, hire who you like, and graduate who you like.

Red pill vs.blue pill movie#

Just like Morpheus presented those options to Neo in the movie “The Matrix,” you have the option to either believe that students of color are currently achieving at rates that they are capable of and that good intentions outlined in school progress plans are enough (blue pill), or that you are a part of a system that actually supresses their achievement on a daily basis (red pill).

Red pill vs.blue pill